Club Updates

Senseis Christina and Wauriman, John, Harry and I have been meeting over the past month to discuss how JKA NorCal could start returning to regular indoor classes. Even though we all very much want this to happen soon, given the fluidity of current County and State Covid requirements for a high contact activity such as Karate, we cannot come up with a definitive timeline yet. However, we do have some developments to share:

First, though, I would like to thank Sensei Wauriman for continuing classes and finding places to train outdoors and ways to teach remotely during the Covid pandemic; and to thank parents and students for continuing to train and support the dojo and Sensei Wauriman through these difficulties.

photo by Francis Dick

The past year has given us all perspective on the twelve (!) years since the club was founded, and also highlights some possibilities for the future. This dojo was started because we wanted to create a dojo that respected and supported the needs and goals of parents, students and sensei, and involved all of them in major decisions.

In keeping with the spirit of this dojo, we are proposing a meeting at the next belt test to discuss ideas and plans for the future of the club. Because of the restrictions on group gatherings, we will set up a zoom meeting: Sensei Wauriman and Sensei Christina will share more information on the slack channel. If you don’t have access to the slack channel, please contact Sensei Christina.

Osu! and Thank You!

Here are some of the photos posted to the slack channel over the past year (click on any thumbnail to see the large image):

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