We had a great time in New Orleans for the JKA / AF Nationals 2012.

Fourteen students and both senseis from our dojo competed in New Orleans this year. Most of the competitors brought home medals in their divisions:
Cylie Stuhler: 1st place Kata, 1st place Kumite
Yuki Torres: 2nd place Kata, 1st place Kumite
Ciara Stuhler: 2nd place Kata, 1st place Kumite
Camri Stuhler: 3rd place Kata
Rosh Torres: 2nd place Kata, 1st place Kumite
Brian Ng: 3rd place Kata
Zuri Yip: 2nd place Kata, 3rd place Kumite
Christina Foo: 2nd place Kata (Sr Black Belt), 2nd place Kumite (Sr Black Belt), 3rd place Kata (Black Belt), 3rd place Kumite (Black Belt)
Hans Schultz: 2nd place Kata, 1st place Kumite
Khim Torres: 2nd place Kata, 2nd place Kumite
Emerson Malalos: 3rd place Kata
Youth Team Kata: 3rd place (Camri, Ciara, Zuri)
Men Team Kata: 2nd place (Khim, Emerson, John)
Women Team Kumite: 3rd place (Christina, Jenn, Joyce)
Men Team Kumite: 3rd place (Khim, John, Mathew)
Here are some photos from the tournament:
Thank you to the families for their support!