JKA AF will be holding their 1st Annual National Camp at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana this year. Two instructors from the Honbu Dojo will be instructing with Sensei Mikami. All karatekas who are not affiliated with the JKA are invited to take the opportunity to join in training and experience JKA karate at its best.
“A great benefit comes from training together with an open mind
and heart and learning from each other. A special spirit and energy
emerges like fire when a group of people get together and train.”
Hosted by: Takayuki Mikami, 8th Dan, JKA
Guest Instructor: Yoshiharu Osaka, 8th Dan, JKA
Takuya Taniyama, 6th Dan, JKA
Reily Center, Tulane University Campus
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Thu May 28: Noon Check-In
Fri May 29: 7-9am TRAINING
10-11am Judges clinic
1pm Optional training
3-5pm Qualifications written exam
Sat May 30: 7-9am TRAINING
10am Competition and judges practical exam
6:30-7pm Get together with Q&A for the Masters
Sun May 31: 7-9am TRAINING
10am Dan, Instructor’s and Examiner’s tests
$200 when registered by April 30th
$225 when registered by May 15th
$250 when registering at the door
All other qualifications fees, please refer to 2009 National Camp Package for details.