(10am-11:30am): hosted by Sensei Donnie Abel for all ranks (www.martialartsintelligence.com). Sign-up on-site $25 ($20 with JKA membership).
This class is for anyone that moves and is looking to learn new ways to increase the longevity of their martial art. Learn ways to balance, stretch and reconnect your body in a optimal functioning way (will begin covering the feet, knees and hips — the relationship between them all):
~How to warmup, stretch out, and cool down without obtaining injuries?
~As a young martial artist or seasoned martial artist, So what does that mean for me?
~Bio-mechanics, myofascial work and preventing future injuries.
Masters Seminar
(1:30pm-3:30pm): hosted by Master Takayuki Mikami and Master Yoshizo Machida for all ranks. Sign-up on-site $60 ($50 with JKA membership).
All participants should try to check in on Friday Nov 8, 2019 at Prime Time Athletic Club (1730 Rollins Rd, Burlingame, CA 94010) between 10:00am – 8:00pm.
There will be limited late check-in on Saturday Nov 9, 2019 at 8:00am at the tournament location. To speed up your check-in, please download, print and sign the waiver:
Late Check In: No registrations accepted on this day. National Anthem and Competitors Oath Competition starts in 4 rings. I. Youth Divisions II. Adult Divisions + Eliminations III. Adult Divisions + Eliminations IV. Youth Divisions 5:30pm Finals in 2 center rings. Closing Ceremonies Banquet at Doubletree Hotel (doors open at 7:00pm) Awards presentation and closing
Registration closes November 1st – but register early to get a discount. Early registration discount $15 off price below on individual events ends October 14th midnight!
American Airlines promo code is 55N9BL, DISCOUNT OFF: 8% off published fares (excluding basic economy and non-discountable fares) Travel Dates : 03Nov19-16Nov19 Destination City: SFO or SJC
There is a discounted group rate for attendees at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Francisco Airport. The special room rate will be available until October 6th or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first.
Group Name: JKA National Tournament Group Code: JKA Check-in: 06-NOV-2019 Check-out: 11-NOV-2019 Booking Deadline: Book by October 14th 2019 Hotel Address: 835 Airport Blvd., Burlingame, California 94010-9949 Hotel Phone Number: (650)373-2221
Parking is limited at the site, so if driving you may need to find street parking. Burlingamer is an 8 minute walk from the Millbrae BART and Caltrain station.
The 2019 Japan Karate Association American Federation National Karate Championships and Goodwill Tournament honoring Sensei Takayuki Mikami will be in the San Francisco Bay Area on 8-10 November 2019.
This year’s Japan Karate Association American Federation training camp at the University of New Orleans (UNO) featured guest instructor 8th Dan and general manager of the technical division Sensei Imura Takenori. There were about 80 participants for the four day camp, with nine representing JKA Nor Cal. Sensei Imura’s crisp technical excellence and athletic prowess had everyone astonished. His sharp eye for details and sense of humor (for example: He picked out five people’s yoi position in Bassai-dai and drilled us all on which four were wrong) really added to the educational value of this camp.
JKA NorCal with Sensei Imura Takenori
Sensei Imura covered basics – including a series of clever drills starting with open hand striking techniques and leading up to kumite – and drilled down to details and bunkai in kata. He also had a class specifically on judging kumite and kata matches. Sensei Mikami lead classes on ashi-barai, and kumite applications of sweeping and balance, and answered our questions with humor and depth. Every one of us learned and clarified many questions.
Sensei Mikami and Sensei Imura presided over the Dan exams and JKA qualification exams for instructor, judge and examiner. Our JKA NorCal instructors and students passed their dan exams and certification tests – congratulations to:
Christina Foo – Rokudan
Wauriman Borges – Yondan and JKA “C” Judge and “C” Instructor
John Sam – Yondan
Mathew Bittleston – JKA “C” Instructor and “D” Examiner
Amy Wong – JKA “D” Judge and “D” Instructor
Michelle Paredes – Nidan
Sean Kelley – Nidan
Ed Miranda – Shodan
Abdallah Batshon – Team note taker and Tournament Competitor
If you have any questions about the camp, talk to Abdallah: He took copious notes and will be teaching a class based on what we learned. Thanks again to Senpai Sean for arranging and coordinating AirBnB lodging and driving us about town; and to Senpai John (dojo chef) for another scrumptious meal. Now we can look forward to more dan parties!
JKA NorCal Enjoying New Orleans food at Rons Gumbo
Celebrating Rokudan: Crawfish by the pound (after two dozen oysters)!
This year’s Japan Karate Association American Federation summer camp in New Orleans will be held June 8-11, 2017. The summer camp is the yearly event for all of us to get together and get acquainted with JKA AF and its members beyond the confines of our dojos and regions. JKA NorCal plans to attend the camp – talk to Sensei Wauriman or Sensei Christina for more information.
Imura Takenori General Manager of Technical Division
The JKAAF is excited to announce that Sensei Imura Takenori from Japan will be Guest Instructor at this year’s summer camp in New Orleans. Sensei Imura is 8th Dan and General Manager of the Technical Division in the Japan Karate Association. He is currently the second-most-senior instructor at the JKA headquarters https://www.jka.or.jp/en/instructors/
In addition, all proceeds from the camp after expenses will support the US Team members representing us at the JKA Funakoshi Cup (Shotocup), August 18-20, in Ireland.
We had a really nice event at University of New Orleans (UNO) this month at JKA/AF’s National Training Camp. This year’s guest instructor was Sensei Okuma who was so very passionate in his teaching and inspiring as an instructor.
Not only were his classes invigorating, his quick wit and humor was quite enjoyable since he taught his classes in English! Additionally, he took time to review with us JKA’s gold standard judging principles and best practices. Sensei Mikami and Sensei Okuma presided over the Dan exams and JKA qualification exams for instructor, judge and examiner. All our JKA NorCal instructors passed their certification – congratulations to:
Doug Mazur – JKA “D” Judge and “D” Instructor
Wauriman Borges – JKA “D” Judge and “D” Instructor and “D” Examiner
John Sam – JKA “C” Judge
Christina Foo – JKA “C” Examiner
This year was special to attend national camp welcoming Sensei Wauriman to JKA NorCal; introducing our camp experience with our brand new Shodans Sean Kelley and Alan Ropers and building new skill set with our budding instructor/judges Doug Mazur and John Sam … all under our beloved instructor Khim Torres’ leadership before he takes off for his adventure with JKA Maine!
Thanks to Sean (dojo concierge) for arranging a beautiful setting with AirBnB lodging and driving us about town. And Alan (dojo photographer) for photo documenting our experience. And John (dojo chef) for the scrumptious meal – you gave some of you for our culinary delight!
Thank you Sensei Andre for visiting with us and for the awesome instruction!
Thanks for embracing our JKA community, your encouragement and inspiring advice but most of all, for extending your friendship to us.
Back row lf to rt: John Sam, Wariman Borges, Rosh Torres, Brian Ng, Zuri Yip, Yuki Torres, Sensei Christina Foo, Sensei Andre Bertel, Sensei Khim Torres, Justin Howe, Ciara Stuhler, Jett, Mathew Bittleston Front row lf to rt: Doug Mazur, Paul Breslow, Daejin Abidoye, Cylie Stuhler, Carrie Lei, Joyce Wong, Christian Leung, Paulina Zamalin, Sammi Yeung, William Urrutia, Sean Kelley
The 2013 JKA/AF National Camp was hosted in New Orleans by Sensei Takayuki Mikami (9th Dan) with guest instructor Sensei Tatsuya Naka (7th Dan) from the JKA headquarters in Japan. It was a fun three days of training with most classes opened by Sensei Mikami and then continued by Sensei Naka.
Sensei Naka is a great communicator, brilliant technician and dedicated teacher, and his enthusiasm was contagious. Everyone really appreciated his classes. We learned about (and practiced) hip vibration, rotation, counter-rotation; about body positioning and forming correct alignment; about concentration (he had some exercises that were mind twisters); about speed and directness of motions; about kata interpretation; and much more. The camp also included testing for judge certification, which Sensei Naka used as an opportunity to provide further insight and teaching on judging.
JKA NorCal with Sensei Mikami (right) and Sensei Naka (left) at the JKA/AF 2013 Camp
JKA NorCal with Sensei Mikami
The last day of the camp was black belt testing. Sensei Khim passed Godan (5th degree), Mathew passed Sandan (3rd degree) & Philip Hu passed Shodan (1st degree).
Group photograph of JKA/AF 2013 camp participants
Sensei Naka demonstrating hip vibration
Group photograph of JKA/AF 2013 camp participants
Sensei Naka explaining judging at the judges exam.
Sensei Naka at the judging exam, explaining that not every judge may be in a position to actually see a point.
Sensei Jose with Khim Torres, Amy Wong, John Sam, Rosh Torres, Joyce Wong, Zuri Yip, Yuki Torres, Zabby Ferrand, Nan Santiago, Hans Shulz, Christina Foo and Mathew Bittleston.
Sensei Jose Ferrand of Miami Shotokan, JKA 6th Dan and a coach to the US Team, will be in San Francisco from August 9th until August 11.
There will be three clinics, and the Prime Time league tournament:
Fri 8/09/13 7:00p-8:30p PrimeTime Athletic Club (Studio 2) Sat 8/10/13 9:00a-11:00a Prime Time Athletic Club (Studio 1)
Prime Time League (tournament) on Saturday after class. All are welcome! Sun 8/11/13 9:00a-11:00a PrimeTime Athletic Club (Studio 2)
Please contact Sensei Khim or Sensei Christina for more information.